Description: 20:21:15 - 20:27:10 >>> Singapore. Various, waterway with large hand poled cargo boats loaded high with cargo, women at shore washing clothes, PAN along waterway buildings and boat traffic, a woman pounding flax, women spinning cords. An elephant walks toward cameraman.
20:27:13 - 20:34:49 >>> Singapore. A village, heavily loaded ox drawn carts pass, MSs groups of natives, CUs. Some type of religious gathering with many people, bare-chested men with many beads around their necks and unusual hats with brass gongs perform. A young elephant, primitive housing, young boys at the beach, men working with fishing nets, mother with baby and children, CU man fixing net, loading nets on boat, boat pushed into water, nets being deployed, people on shore pulling nets back onto beach.
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Clip #: TFA-10B-10
Length: 12:31
Year: 1948
Color: Color
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: South Asia
Country: India
Subject: Parades
Original: 16mm
military band, parade
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