Description: 15:15:41 Various in city, people, donkeys lined up at a water fountain as young man loads one with large urns. PAN men in native dress, CUs some men. Men attending heavily loaded donkeys at a narrow river, women lining shore washing clothes. Small stone dam in river.
15:22:00 - 15:27:52 >>> POV auto down a treed road into a settlement, many camels together. Riding loaded donkeys down road, road to river. PAN many women and young girls at river. Woman loading water into urns on donkey standing in river. Various in Medenine where the mud houses are built on top of each other. Large market outside city walls, vendors wares on the ground. Good shot to sky thru palm trees. Stone dam in the river. A water well being worked as the ancients did with a camel pulling the rope over the hand made pulleys.
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Clip #: TFA-8A-3
Length: 12:12
Year: 1937
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Africa
Country: Tunisia
Original: 16mm
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