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Notre Dame, Paris 1965
Description: Home movies of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, France in the 1950s
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Clip #: TFA-174B-1
Length: 1:38
Year: 1965
Color: Color
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: Europe
Country: France
City: Paris
Subject: Churches
Original: 16mm
1960s, France, Paris, Panthéon dome towering over buildings, Pantheon, street scenes, park and square, Notre Dame de Paris facade, Petit Pont, skyline views from Notre Dame including with Saint-Jacques Tower and Sacré-CÅ“ur in distance, cityscape views, Sacre Coeur, people looking at cityscape views from top of Notre Dame, park and square below Notre Dame, gargoyles, chimera, statues / architectural details on Notre Dame facade, spire, Seine, bridges, boats, cityscape with Eiffel Tower in distance, Notre Dame facade from ground

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