Clip #: TFA-65D Length: 7:50 Color: B/W Sound: Sound Library: TFA Network Decade: 1940s Region: North America Country: Canada City: Quebec Original: 16mm Keywords:
Quebec City Canada St Lawrence River citadel walls La Porte St Louis gate bus carriage french street signs General Montcalm headquarters business section residential area Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré farmer spraying crop growing berries baking bread in outdoor oven Montmorency River Falls Lake St Joseph beach boating water skiing sailing Canada Steamship Co tourist boat Richelieu Manor Hotel swimming pool diving board slide Saguenay River canyon statue of virgin
Gaspe Peninsula fisherman with net trawler leaves harbor man nets trout canoe pan frying trout Huron indian trapper with red fox pelt native dancing Jacques Cartier monument
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