Description: 17:37:01 - 17:41:31 >>> Sumatra ?? - Vintage car comes down road, western men get out at a stone stele, ZI to “AEQUATOR†sign on side. Radiator of auto is filled with crude arrangement of pipes. Sign at roadside “Paloepaoehâ€. Western man at lakeside throws food into water and myriad fish swarm to splash. Good shot mud hole filled with muddy wet water buffaloes side by side, ZI. Line of carts being pulled by water buffaloes. PAN primitive buildings with high steep pitched thatched roofs, ZI decorations. Woman spreading rice on ground to dry. CU young girl. Various buildings in village.
17:41:37 - 17:45:27 >>> Various over landscape, terraced hillside. Line of women planting rice in water filled paddy. Various many people reaping crop in open field. ZI bundles of rice stalks piled on ground. Horses are piled high with heavy bundles of rice stalks. Many women and men walk down road with rice stalk bundles on their heads.
17:45:32 - 17:51:11 >>> Man tending gaggle of geese sends them out into water filled paddy. Young nude boy splashes water on to water buffalo lying in paddy. Woven cages with cocks lined on ground. Woman and boy, each holding a cock, entice them to fight. An actual cockfight. Man carries 4 cages with cocks on pole on shoulder. Various very pregnant pig and a fat pig, pigs in long round baskets being carried on horse, 2 men with pig in basket on pole on each one’s shoulder walk down road. Bare breasted women walk down road carrying heavy load on heads. Various steep thatched roof buildings on stilts, ZI thatched roofs.
17:51:11 - 17:54:35 >>> Bare breasted women with poles beating rice in pots, MSs, young woman sifting rice in sieve, CU PAN rice ball on grape leaves. LaVarre looking at filigree carvings women are soliciting to him. CU man carving a filigree, PAN area with many men as some carve large filigree panels, CUs men and work.
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Clip #: TFA-9A-5
Length: 17:35
Year: 1936
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Asia
Country: Indonesia
Original: 16mm
edited version of this footage in AD-24-1 - see narration for description. transferred at slower speed. this is generally better quality
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