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Midnight Sun Pt 2
Description: Travelogue from the 1930s of a French Line cruise ship touring the Scandinavian Peninsula, specifically in Norway and various Norwegian island territories. Footage of passengers and sailors on cruise ships, cityscapes and street scenes, fish markets, and good examples of Norwegian culture. Ocean liners moored in harbors and passing by small coastal communities.
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Clip #: AD-47-2
Length: 11:10
Year: 1937
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: Getty Images
Decade: 1930s
Region: Europe
Country: Norway
Original: 35mm
towns, villages, sightseeing, tourism, voyages, trips, reflections, rivers, Svalbard, North Atlantic Ocean, Norwegians, Russians, cruise ships, ocean liners, cruises, islands, archipelagos, explorers, maps, Stave churches, Saami, Lapps, Laplanders, native dress, native cultures, dry docks, outdoor markets, marketplaces, praying, religious ceremonies 06:00:22:00 CU page in book "De la Banquise a Green Harbour (Par Cross Bay et Kings Bay)." CU map tracing route from Scotland to Faroe Islands, Iceland, Jan Mayen, & towards Svalbard. Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen (Spitzbergen) Sailor raising sail at dawn. LA flags on mast. Rowboats full of passengers near dock w/ moored ocean liner in BG. VS snow-capped mountains near shore. 06:01:00:25 Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen VS buildings near harbor. Siberian husky dog & other dogs. VS dry dock. Monument marking Roald Amundsen's 1925 attempt to reach North Pole. Radio antenna near shore. 06:02:13:09 Arctic Ocean near Spitsbergen VS passengers on cruise ship. VS Russian sailors at attention. VS smokestacks emitting smoke. Religious ceremony on deck w/ priests conducting service, dignitaries / diplomats in attendance. Passengers throwing objects into water. Setting sun from cruise ship deck. CU paper for "Norvege" (Norway). CU map tracing route from Svalbard to Hammerfest, Digermulen, & ending at Bergen. LS moored cruise ship w/ rowboat approaching shore in FG. Artist painting on ship deck. Setting / rising sun over coast. 06:03:33:20 Hammerfest, Norway PAN cityscape near harbor. VS cruise ship in harbor. Fisherman carrying catch to shore. VS Sami man wearing traditional clothing. (Gettty clip 565-107) View from behind antlers of cruise ship in harbor. Stuffed polar bears in city streets. Sami women wearing traditional clothing. 06:05:01:09 Norwegian Sea Captain & sailors on cruise ship deck. Passengers playing cards. VS villages near coast. Passengers looking over railing at view. VS snowy mountains. 06:06:10:01 Digermulen? Norway PAN moored cruise ship in small harbor. Rowboats full of passengers being pulled through inlets. LA Norwegian flag & nautical signal flag on mast. VS cruise ship POVS past villages along coast. View from ship bow passing other boats on Norwegian Sea. 06:08:24:25 Near Bergen, Norway Passengers on cruise ship deck as seagulls fly overhead. Cruise ships in inlet harbor. VS mountains surrounding scenic inlets. Cruise ship POV past houses on coast. TD mountain waterfall. 06:09:34:09 Bergen, Norway View from cruise ship in harbor. HA flock of seagulls swimming / bobbing for food. Jellyfish in water. Ship going past city. VS Stave church (Norwegian architecture). Bergen fish market, fishermen w/ goods. Cruise ship POV going past harbor. 06:10:34:02 Norway Sailor raising sail on cruise ship. Cruise ship POV flock of seagulls following ship. Passenger leaning on railing looking down at water rushing below. Montage of water rushing below, ship smokestacks, cloudy skies. PAN from polar bear figurine to man sitting at desk looking at book of photographs. OS man turns page to "Fin." CU "Fin." Man turns page & closes book. 06:11:33:12 OUT

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