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Dutch Guiana - Land of the Djuka
Description: A tour of Dutch Guiana (Suriname)in the 1930s
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Clip #: TFA-56A
Length: 9:34
Year: 1933
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: James A. Fitzpatrick
Region: South America
Country: Dutch Guiana
Original: 16mm
James A Fitzpatrick, traveltalks, map of South America, Dutch Guyana, Guiana, Suriname, djuka, escaped african slaves, man poling boat, pulling canoe up rapids, portage over rocks, village, thatched roof houses, huts king grand man building a house weaving thatch mother nursing baby making bread hair weaving woman and kids pounding and cleaning rice kasava root pulp community kitchen cooking dancing drum beating

Suriname, officially the Republic of Suriname (traditionally spelled Surinam by the English who founded the first colony at Marshall's Creek, along the Suriname River, but the Dutch spelling is more widely accepted), is a country in northern South America. Suriname was formerly known as Nederlands Guyana, Netherlands Guiana or Dutch Guiana. Suriname is situated between French Guiana to the east and Guyana to the west. The southern border is shared with Brazil and the northern border is the Atlantic coast. The southernmost border with French Guiana is disputed along the Marowijne river; while the once-disputed boundary with Guyana was arbitrated by the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea on September 20, 2007. The country is the smallest sovereign state in terms of area and population in South America.

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