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Colorful Jaipur
Description: A tour of the Indian city of Jaipur in the 1930's
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Clip #: TFA-54A
Length: 8:18
Year: 1932
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: James A. Fitzpatrick
Region: South Asia
Country: India
City: Jaipur
Original: 16mm
map of India, Rajputana, wide city street, camels, mosque, market, shops, merchants, monkeys, mules, hindu, sacred cows, tick birds, goat, baby goat, leopard, ox cart, riding maharaja's elephant, Amber Palace, wild peacock, monkeys, fakir with trained monkeys, camel cart accident with automobile

16mm duplicate in Box 90. Jaipur, also popularly known as the Pink City, is the capital of Rajasthan state, India. Historically rendered as Jeypore, Jaipur is the former capital of the princely state of Jaipur. Founded in 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh, the ruler of Amber, the city today has a population of more than 5 million residents. Built of pink stucco in imitation of sandstone, the city is remarkable among pre-modern Indian cities for the width and regularity of its streets which are laid out into six sectors separated by broad streets 111 ft (34 m) wide. The urban quarters are further divided by networks of gridded streets. Five quarters wrap around the east, south, and west sides of a central palace quarter, with a sixth quarter immediately to the east. The Palace quarter encloses a sprawling palace complex (the Hawa Mahal, or palace of winds), formal gardens, and a small lake. Nahargarh Fort crowns the hill in the northwest corner of the old city. Another noteworthy building is Sawai Jai Singh's observatory, Jantar Mantar.

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