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Description: The history and culture of Russia.
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Clip #: TFA-49C
Length: 23:48
Year: 1958
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Filmmaker: Julien Bryan
Region: Europe
Country: Russia
Original: 16mm
Beginning with rare and fascinating newsreels of life in Tsarist times, the film goes on to cover modern Russian agriculture, education, housing, religion, scientific progress, and military strength. An examination of Russia, and the impact of the Soviet system on various phases of Russian life. Presents a brief historical background; examines present-day problems relating to religion, farming, labor and industry, housing and consumer goods, education, science, and politics; discusses the results of government control and the ultimate goals and methods of the Soviets. Emphasizes the role of Soviet science and education and the preparation of individuals for a particular place in the machinery of a controlled society. St Petersburg, Peter the Great statue, St. Basil's Cathedral, Czar Nicholas II with family in Kremlin 1900 procession marching band review of troops Cossack bodyguards workers russian peasants Astrakhan Volga eating drinking tea old woman sewing religion priest Kazarovichi Ukraine church procession Samarkand Bibi-Khanym Mosque Registan muslim moslem praying women farming large combine tractor wheat farm cattle farm central asia collective farm fruit trees open market state department store winter unloading bags from cart feeding chickens building barn sawing lumber tractor repair station mechanic machine shop steel mill smelting train railroad city apartment house welder steam shovel woman operators street sweeper portarit of Stalin Tashkent cotton works factory looms weaving cloth brocade Moscow store GUM Government Universal Store russian cars dry goods store shopping shoes giving change frozen river children playing school room classroom education abacus girl students reading English blackboard teacher calculus Kiev Polytechnic Institute lecture notes laboratory experiment library techinical magazines in english medical doctor nurses operation sports stadium audience soccer game cheering crowd pep rally Moscow University scientist particle accelerator nuclear atomic powered icebreaker reactor power station generator electic power lines jet fighters Lenin Red Square cannon dancing playing accordian exchange students Alma-Ata Kremlin

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