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Sunny Iceland
Description: The history and culture of Iceland in the 1950's
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Clip #: TFA-49A
Length: 11:15
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Europe
Country: Iceland
Original: 16mm
Iceland, map, ice floe, volcano, Mt Hekla, lava, moss, Thingvellir, woman in national costume, farmer, sulphur hills, Mývatn, Reykjahlíd, bubbling hot springs mud geyser steam heat Hveragerdi greenhouses tomatoes grapes, bananas, water tanks, waterfalls Gullfoss Golden Falls hydroelectric power Reykjavík National Theatre University of Iceland modern church swimming pool Icelandic wrestling Glima air stewardess Miss Airways whaling station Hvalfjordur herring fishing Siglufjördur salted in barrels public meeting traditional costumes

Iceland, officially the Republic of Iceland is a country in northern Europe, comprising the island of Iceland and its outlying islets in the North Atlantic Ocean between the rest of Europe and Greenland. It is the least populous of the Nordic countries and the second smallest; it has a population of about 316,000 (April 1, 2008 estimate) and a total area of 103,000 km². Its capital and largest city is Reykjavík.

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