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Coney Island
Description: A tour of Coney Island amusement park in the 1940's
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Clip #: TFA-33B
Length: 14:40
Year: 1940
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Eugene Castle
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: New York
City: New York
Subject: Amusements
Original: 16mm
Aerial shot of beach, thousands of people at beach in waves and bathing suits, sunbathers, sunburn, pedal cars on boardwalk, strollers, crowds, man with hand microphone, barkers, sign: smallest grownups on earth, freak show signs, fat lady, Tom Thumb, midget, freaks, people entering photo studio, kids in pedal car ride, amusement park rides, ferris wheel, Wonder Wheel, bumper cars, dodge 'em cars, twirling ride, Spaghetti sign, Hot Dog sign, boy eating Frozen Custard, corn on the cob boiling, people eating corn on the cob, hot dog stand, rows of hot dogs, bowl of mustard, hot dog on bun, man eats hot dog, bathing girl review along catwalk over pool, smiling bathing beauties, man measuring waist, Miss Coney Island, people in revolving tube, fun house, swing ride, tigers with trainer doing tricks, tiger and trainer dance, trainer puts head in tiger's mouth, boys on large slide, merry-go-round, carousel, spinning plates, water boat chute, roller coaster, POV, people get out of cars, merry-go-round at night

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